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Quality and Integrity

The manufacturer of the blunted needles (item E8B) has discontinued this item.  After an exhaustive search, we have been unable to find another manufacturer.  Once our current inventory is exhausted, we will be replacing the blunted needles with plastic cannulas.  We have offered the plastic cannulas as an alternative to the needles for years and find them to be a comparable replacement.  Due to the limited inventory of the blunted needles, we will not be processing large, final buy orders.

In all the world, there is only one Electro-Cap.

Since 1988, Electro-Cap International, Inc. has been the world leader in electrode caps.  Our caps are used as a diagnostic tool for EEG testing, research projects, neurological testing and neurofeedback.  Our caps are used by hospitals, neurosurgeons, psychologists, universities, and private research laboratories.

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